Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sacred Grinds at Brunei's Mosque

Sr. Fernando (locally known as Fernando Torres) entertaining himself & the locals.

Saturday boar hunt

On the drive to Lake Meninjau we passed hunters and their dogs in search of wild boars who compete with them for their rice.

De camino al Lago Meninjau vimos cazadores y sus perros que estaban en busca de jabalies que compiten por su arroz.

Minangkabau Architecture

The Minangkabau culture has historically worked with oxen - the roofs of their homes represent the horns.

Historicamente la cultura de los Minangkabau trabajaba con bueyes - los techos de sus casa representan los cuernos.

Dumai Welcoming Committee (Sumatra)

Last week we took a ferry from Malaysia to Dumai (Sumatra) and were greeted by a wild group of would-be guides.

La semana pasada fuimos de Malasia a Dumai (Sumatra) en ferry. Nos recibieron este grupos de jartos, todos gritando para ser nuestros guias.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Arrival to Sumatra

Saturday we took the morning ferry from Kuala Lumpur to Dumai, Sumatra. A four hour ride with freezing AC & Indonesian Karoke. We were the only gringos on board and we were quickly preyed upon before even leaving immigration. A walk down a sunny corridor surrounding by shouts from taxi & van drivers, moneychangers and random lurkers marked our arrival to Indonesia. Photos soon.